Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My First Post - December 16, 2009

Hi Everyone--Welcome to my new Blog!!!! All my cuzzies are: Lincoln, Harper, Ellie, Lily, Baby Castro, Laura, Megan, Brett, Caleb, Charlotte, Lucie, Ethan, Andrew, Olivia, Scout, Hannah, Andrea, Joseph, Gabby. Hope you have a very fun Christmas.


  1. Hi Alyssa: I love your new Blog! I will try to check it every day to see what you are doing for fun. I love you very much. Love, Gaga

  2. I can't wait to read all about your great adventures!!
    I love you oodles and oodles!!!!
    Auntie Shell!!!

  3. Alyssa....this is AMAZING!! You have your OWN blog? I can't wait to read EVERY entry!! You sure have a lot of "cuzzies"!!! You are ONE blessed girl...and so are they...'cause you're their "cuzzie" too!!!
    I LOVE YOU!!!
